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Overview of how Environmentally Sustainable Design and Construction (ESDC) Principles and Guidelines can be integrated as part of environmental sustainability into the construction processes for all new building construction works.

The implementation of ESDC principles in building construction works to deliver key policy commitments on environmental management strategies through such measures as sustainable management of:

  • water,
  • reduction of waste,
  • energy usage,
  • greenhouse emissions and the
  • impact of stormwater on bays and catchments,
  • protection of biodiversity and native habitat, and
  • promotion of more sustainable transport.

ESDC Principles & Targets for Ecological Impacts

Considerations in the design, construction and occupancy phases of building construction projects:

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Energy Conservation

- Incorporate passive solar design principles to maximise day-lighting and passive heating opportunities

- Incorporate energy efficient design principles to minimise active heating and cooling requirements

- Specify energy efficient equipment and lighting systems

- Provide efficient control and effective maintenance systems, including monitoring of energy consumption

- Optimise opportunities to use renewable energy sources and incorporate renewable energy technologies wherever possible

- Minimise embodied energy in construction materials

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Water Conservation

- Facilitate opportunities for on-site treatment and reuse of grey-water and black-water (sewage) streams

- Minimise water consumption through practices such as:

- installing rain water and storm water collection tanks

- installing reuse systems for grey water

- providing water efficient facilities and eguipment

- providing effective monitoring and maintenance systems

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Minimisation of Fossil Fuel Usage associated with Transport

- Facilitate staff access to public transport

- Encourage cycling by providing showering and storage facilities

- Facilitate the use of appropriate communication technologies, such as tele- and video conferencing facilities

- Minimise on-site car parking facilities

- Minimise transport distances involved in the demolition, recycling, construction, fit-out and operational phases of the project

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Preserve Natural Features of Site

- Avoid development on sites or sections of sites of high ecological value

- Minimise disturbance to site and regional ecosystems during construction and operation

- Restore land equivalent to the area disturbed by the building and where possible the ecological footprint associated with operational activities

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Building Materials Conservation

- Modify existing facilities to serve new requirements and reuse existing materials

- Minimise building materials produced from limited or ecologically unsustainable natural resources

- Minimise building materials that have damaging ecological effects during harvesting, manufacturing, and/or construction

- Minimise the use of building materials with high embodied energy

- Minimise life cycle costs through using materials and eguipment reguiring minimal maintenance and with maximised expected useful life

- Maximise the use of recycled content material where there is a cost difference of less than 5%

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Waste Minimisation

- Maximise building longevity through creation of flexible and readily adaptable designs - Provide facilities to assist office waste separation into reusable, recyclable, compostable and landfill components

- Minimise construction waste going to land fill through a material tracking system

- Incorporate organic and water-based site waste disposal systems into landscaping design

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Enhancement of Indoor Environmental Quality

- Minimise all work spaces exposed to glare and excessive lighting

- Provide all building occupants with a view to the outside

- Use air conditioning systems that allow for the supply of fresh outside air

- Shield all building occupants from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) sources

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Appropriate Landscaping

- Design landscaping to facilitate year round moderation of the internal climate

- Minimise erosion potential

- Plant indigenous flora, and where appropriate, food-generating plants

- Design landscaping to allow external meeting and break out areas

- Maximise the reuse on site of all rock and topsoil emanating from excavations work

- Maximise the use of recycled compost, soil conditioners and mulches

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Enhance Community Life

- Involve the local community appropriately in the design process

- Respect, reflect and integrate the development with the surrounding culture and activities of the district

- Create facilities that are accessible and available for community us

- Purchase local products and services where possible Maintenance

- Provide legal structures (building leases, maintenance agreements, strata titles and tenancy agreements) to preserve the environmental performance of the building

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