Basic BCA Performance Requirements and Provisions for Multi-Storey Buildings.
The BCA makes sure:
- each unit (known as ‘sole occupancy unit’) will be unaffected by a fire in adjoining unit, building or property;
- everyone in the building can safely get out of the building in the event of a fire;
- you install all the right fire safety systems such as hose reels and sprinklers; and
- some units are accessible to people with disabilities.
The main points to remember are:
Fire Rating.
- the manufacturers’ technical information tells you the FRL or fire resistance of their products;
- walls on boundaries between properties and between different classes of buildings are always fire rated;
- every gap or hole in a wall, floor or around a penetration, must be sealed with a fire rated sealant;
- the entry door must be fire rated and have a self closer fitted;
- the maximum gap under a fire door is 10mm;
- doors into and out of fire stairs should open in the direction of travel; and
- all air conditioning and ventilation ducts must have a fire damper at any fire rated wall.
- must not have more than 18 risers and not less than two;
- balustrades must be at least 865mm above stair nosing (at least one metre in landings and balconies); and
- risers must not exceed 190mm (minimum 115mm) and treads not more than 355mm (minimum 250mm).
Paths of Travel.
- at least one metre wide;
- at least two metres high;
- have no trip points in floor;
- contain no stored goods;
- contain no combustible materials; and
- must have emergency lights and signs.
Smoke alarm and/or detection system.
- within unit in public corridors & spaces
Exit signs & lighting.
- all paths of travel,
- all fire stairs.
- fire rated collars or sealants.
- protect if close to boundary.
Electrical equipment.
- non-combustible lined door,
- self-closing fire door in some areas.
- Class A fire risks
- if floor area exceeds 500 square metres.
- fire rated dampers at fire rated floors or walls
Top of walls.
- fire rated sealant to underside of roofs.
Fire doors.
- frame & door tagged,
- self closing 10mm max.
Hose reels.
- if hydrants installed.
- if no hydrants if fire compartment exceeds 500m2 - adjacent to hydrant - within 4m of exit.