(KPI) Key performance indicators are the clear indicator of a specific measurable activity or result that may be used to assess project performance. Targets or ranges of performance may be attributed to KPIs.
(KRA) Key Result Areas are used to provide meaning to the KPI value. KRA is an area of project operation in which the performance is of significant interest to the Contractor, Main Roads and/or other stakeholders.
A KRA does not provide any indication of the scope of activities or results that are used to measure the performance. KRA can be divided into two broad areas:
- Cost Performance;
- Non Cost Performance.
Typical KRA include:
- Community and stakeholders (NCP);
- Traffic (NCP);
- Quality (NCP);
- Environment (NCP);
- Cost (CP);
- Time (CP) (is directly related to cost);
- Team (CP & NCP).
KPI and KRA Process.
There is a KPI for each KRA. The measures within KRA fall into five categories: fail, poor, business as usual, best practice, outstanding.
Corrective Measures.
- Corrective Action Request:
Corrective Action Requests (CAR) raised by the Superintendent raise deficiencies that require attention by the Contractor. - Process:
In the event of defective work, the Superintendent may:
- Direct actions to correct to defect;
- Direct a variation;
- Notify acceptance with possible adjustments to woks value.
CAR Register
This procedure outlines actions in relation to option (a). CAR's are typically recorded in a Corrective Action Request Register. This Register should be kept up-to-date at all times.
The Contractor raises a Non Conformance Report and maintains a Non Conformance Register which is used to list the defects or deficiencies in the system, documentation or process which is outside the specification.
The CAR/NCR system is designed to monitor defects and the Contractor is encouraged to develop systems/procedures/practices to prevent the recurrence of similar failures.
Document Types typically used in the process:
- Corrective Action Request Form;
- Corrective Action Request Register (CAR);
- Non Conformance Reporting;
- Notice of Defective Work;
- Notice that Principal Proposes to Rectify Defective materials or work;
- Notice of Acceptance of Defective work;