Brick Construction
Brick construction in commercial construction in Australia refers to the use of bricks as a primary building material for structural and non-structural applications. This includes brick veneer, solid brick, and cavity brick construction methods
Brick tie
a small, corrugated metal strip that connects the internal wall sheeting to external masonry walls.
Brick Veneer
Brick veneer is a type of building construction where a thin layer of bricks is applied to the exterior surface of a building . In Australia, brick veneer is a common construction method used in both residential and commercial buildings.
Common `Blocks of material moulded from clay or cement used for building or paving purposes. Usually bricks burnt in continuous kilns; used in general work.
Synonyms -
Brick Construction, Brick Veneer
Building By-Laws
Building codes
Building codes in commercial construction in Australia are a set of regulations and standards designed to ensure the safety, health, and sustainability of buildings. These codes are primarily governed by the National Construction Code (NCC), which includes the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The NCC is a performance-based code that sets the minimum requirements for the design, construction, and performance of buildings throughout Australia.
Synonyms -
Building code, BCA, NCC
Building Line
In Australia, a building line refers to the boundary or line that defines the minimum distance between a building and a street, road, or other public space. This line is also known as the building setback or building alignment.
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building alignment
In the context of commercial construction in Australia, a bulkhead refers to a vertical or sloping structure, typically made of wood, steel, or other materials, used to provide support and separation between different areas of a building . Bulkheads are often used to contain fittings, such as range hoods, or to create decorative features.
In the context of commercial construction in Australia, camber refers to the upward curvature of a structural element, such as a beam or a slab, to counteract the expected deflection under load. This technique is used to ensure that the structure remains level and plumb, and to prevent excessive deflection or sagging.
In commercial construction in Australia, a cantilever refers to a structural element that extends horizontally and is supported at only one end. The other end is free and projects beyond its support, creating an overhanging structure. Cantilevers are commonly used in various applications, including balconies, bridges, and overhanging roofs.
Cap (capping)
In the context of commercial construction in Australia, a cap (capping) refers to a covering or a barrier installed to prevent or restrict the entry of unwanted elements, such as water, termites, or other pests, into a building or structure. Capping products are used to maintain roof sight lines while providing added protection 2.
Capping Brick
Bricks which are specially shaped for capping the exposed top of a wall.
Carpentry in commercial construction in Australia involves the skilled trade of cutting, shaping, and installing building materials during the construction of buildings, infrastructure, and other structures. Carpenters work with wood, steel, and other materials to create frameworks, partitions, flooring, and other structural elements. In commercial construction, carpentry can include tasks such as constructing formwork for concrete, installing doors and windows, building staircases, and creating custom cabinetry and joinery.
In commercial construction in Australia, the term "cast" typically refers to the process of forming concrete elements by pouring liquid concrete into molds or formwork, where it hardens and gains strength. This process is integral to creating structural components such as slabs, beams, columns, and walls.
Cast In-Situ
In the context of Australian commercial construction, cast in-situ refers to a process of casting concrete in position, as opposed to precasting concrete elements in a factory or off-site location . This method is commonly used for foundations, walls, and floors in commercial buildings.
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