AS/NZS ISO 14001

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Term Definition
AS/NZS ISO 14001

AS/NZS ISO 14001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for an effective Environmental Management System (EMS). It provides a framework that an organization can follow, rather than establishing environmental performance requirements. The standard is designed to help organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.

Key Elements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:

  1. Context of the Organization: Understanding the internal and external factors that can affect the organization's ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its EMS.

  2. Leadership: Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the EMS, ensuring environmental policies are established and compatible with the strategic direction of the organization.

  3. Planning: Identifying risks and opportunities, setting environmental objectives, and planning actions to achieve them.

  4. Support: Ensuring resources, competence, awareness, communication, and documented information are in place to support the EMS.

  5. Operation: Planning and controlling processes to meet environmental requirements, including emergency preparedness and response.

  6. Performance Evaluation: Monitoring, measuring, analyzing, and evaluating environmental performance and compliance with legal and other requirements.

  7. Improvement: Continual improvement of the EMS to enhance environmental performance.

The AS/NZS ISO 14001 standard covers various aspects of environmental management, including:

  1. Environmental policy: Organizations must establish an environmental policy that demonstrates their commitment to environmental protection and continuous improvement.

  2. Environmental aspects and impacts: Organizations must identify and assess the environmental aspects and impacts associated with their activities, products, and services.

  3. Legal and regulatory compliance: Organizations must ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements.

  4. Objectives and targets: Organizations must set environmental objectives and targets to improve their environmental performance and achieve their environmental policy goals.

  5. Planning: Organizations must develop and implement plans to achieve their environmental objectives and targets.

  6. Implementation and operation: Organizations must establish and maintain the necessary processes, procedures, and resources to implement their EMS effectively.

  7. Monitoring and measurement: Organizations must monitor and measure their environmental performance to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and to evaluate the effectiveness of their EMS.

  8. Management review: Organizations must regularly review their EMS to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

  9. Documentation and records: Organizations must maintain appropriate documentation and records to demonstrate compliance with the standard and to support continuous improvement.

Benefits of Implementing AS/NZS ISO 14001:

  • Improved Environmental Performance: Systematic approach to managing environmental responsibilities.
  • Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Helps organizations meet current and future statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Demonstrates commitment to environmental management to stakeholders.
  • Cost Savings: Through improved efficiencies and waste reduction.
  • Risk Management: Identifies and manages environmental risks.

Organizations of all sizes and types can implement AS/NZS ISO 14001 to improve their environmental performance and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Synonyms: Environmental management systems

Select a service to learn more

Planning & Development

Development Management

Early stage involvement designed to reduce client/ developer risk. Focus on budget, feasibility and constructibility.

Design & Documentation

Design Management

Collaborative, efficient coordination of design, documentation and specifications.

Project Management

Project Management

Professional management of construction projects. Focus on accountability, efficiency and risk mitigation.

Construction Services

General Contracting

Flexible project delivery models including construct only (GC), design & construct, construction management or cost-plus

Asset Management

Asset Protection

Asset management, planned and unplanned maintenance, abortive and remedial works, audits and inspections.

HSEQ Management

HSEQ Services

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality system management, auditing and risk analysis

Select your sector of interest to learn more

Aged Care

Aged Care

Aged Care construction and fitout


Childcare & ELC

Turnkey Childcare planning, design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Civil & Environmental

Civil & Environmental

Civil, infrastructure & environmental planning, design and project management, construction and lifecycle maintenance.

Commercial & Mixed-use

Commercial Construction

Commercial building project planning, design management, construction and lifecycle maintenance.

Community & Public

Public Spaces

Community centre & public venues planning, design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Cultural & Worship

Cultural & Worship

Place of worship & cultural centre design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Education & Training

Schools & Training Facilities

General & specialist training facility planning, design and project management, construction and lifecycle maintenance.

Hospitality & Restaurants

Hospitality & Restaurants

Restaurant building project planning, design management, construction, fitout, refurbishment and lifecycle maintenance.



Public & private healthcare facility planning, design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

General Practices

GP Clinics

Turnkey medical centre design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiology Centres

Radiology clinic, imaging department planning, design and project management, construction and lifecycle maintenance.

Labs & Cleanrooms

ISO & TGA Cleanrooms

Lab & sensitive environment project planning, design management, construction, fitout, refurbishment and lifecycle maintenance.

Industrial & Logistics

Manufacturing & Warehousing

Factories, industrial project planning, design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Data Centre & Energy Storage

Data Centres, Energy Storage

Data centre, battery research and production design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Retail & Shopping Centres

Retail & Shopping

Turnkey retail design and project management, construction, fitout and lifecycle maintenance.

Office Buildings

Office fitout

Office space project planning, design management, construction, fitout, refurbishment and lifecycle maintenance.
